Quality assurance at Sanctuary

02 May 2023

Sekisui House and our builders Parkview, are committed to providing a level of service that will exceed the expectations of our clients and the residents of our projects. Continuous improvements in quality and implementing best practice remains at the forefront of our business.

To achieve our high-level objectives, Parkview have developed a Quality Management System that not only complies with but exceeds the standards outlined in ISO9001, an internationally recognised standard for quality management systems.

What does this mean for people who buy at Laguna & Glade? 

It means that every stage of the design and construction process needs to be checked off to make sure it is built to exceed minimum industry standards.

To do this, Parkview have internal project and site engineers that ensure the highest level of standards for quality, compliance and design intent are implemented on every project.

Reputable third-party peer review consultants are then engaged to review the design such as shop drawings and RFIs as well as inspect the site and identify non-compliance items. This peer-review process allows us to ensure we not only comply with but exceed the minimum industry standards.

A monthly quality assurance audit is also conducted both internally and externally with Parkview and Sekisui House and federal organisations as part of our continuous improvement framework.

Our future residents, can therefore rest assured that the product that they have purchased is highly certified and built to stand the test of time.